
About PMP
Join Us Now
Our Mission

TO be The centre for excellence in math & mathematical sciences in penang

Penang Math Platform (PMP), as the name implies, is a mathematics learning centre set up primarily as part of the Penang STEM initiative, an overall synergistic ecosystem in the state to complement the current educational system (primary schools, secondary schools, vocational schools, colleges and universities) for STEM-learning. Earlier STEM Centres which were set up in Penang namely Penang Science Cluster, Tech Dome Penang, Penang Skills Development Centre and @CAT mainly focused on Science (S), Technology (T) & Engineering (E) and now PMP which focuses on Mathematics (M) fits the final component of the state’s STEM initiative..


Math classes

(Basic to advance Math tutorial for national syllabus, Singapore Math, Mental Arithmetric, and others). Flagship Japanese Math Class for pre-schoolers (6 years) to build entry level foundation for math appreciation and inter-personal communication.


We also conduct workshops & programmes on Math-related activities (math competitions, seminars, workshops and math camps, etc) for all age groups.

Our Facilities

Classrooms and open hall available for rental.

4 main classrooms (20 pax classroom-style) and an open hall (capacity 80 theater-style, 50 workshop-style) equipped with relevant facilities/equipment like projector/TV, white board, basic sound system and free wi-fi access. It is available every day from 9am to 10pm.

Circle Room

  • 40 Theater Style
  • 30 Classroom Style
  • 38×14 feet

Rectangle Room

  • 30 Theater Style
  • 20 Classroom Style
  • 30×14 feet

Triangle Room

  • 30 Theater Style
  • 20 Classroom Style
  • 30×14 feet

Pentagon Room

  • 30 Theater Style
  • 20 Classroom Style
  • 30×14 feet

Octagon Hall

  • 80 Theater Style
  • 50 Classroom Style
  • 35×32 feet




Penang STEM is the common platform to bring together the various independent STEM learning organizations in acoordinated way to jointly create a synergistic ecosystem in Penang that complements our current formal educational system (primary schools, secondary schools, vocational schools, colleges and universities).


monthly Students

our Events

weekly classes

our Facilities

We'd love to hear from you

Location:  No.1. Jalan Kaki Bukit, Gelugor, Pulau Pinang
Telephone:  04-373 0796
Email:  pmp_office@penangstem.com
Office Hours: 8.00am - 5.00pm (daily except Public Holiday)

Study Lab Open to Public (Free WiFi)
Everyday:  8am - 9pm (weekdays)

                        8.30am-5.30pm (weekends)

                       (daily except on special occasions)